Translated Titles
This page describes the Article Title (Translated) and Article Subtitle (Translated) paragraph styles. Translated titles may or may not use an alternate character set compared with the primary-language titles.
Article Title (Translated), Article Subtitle (Translated)
The translated title styles are used in exactly the same way as the equivalent primary language styles; click here for details on the use of title styles. The JATS Tag Suite recommends:
Title of a document or document part that has been translated into a language other than that of the original publication. When a document is published simultaneously in more than one language, one language must be chosen for the title and all other document titles become translated titles.
The following example demonstrates the use of the Article Title (Translated) and Article Subtitle (Translated) paragraph styles. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document:
<trans-title-group xml:lang="ru"> <trans-title>Правильная математика для Microsoft Word XML документооборота JATS</trans-title> <trans-subtitle>Руководство по работе с математикой в Word</trans-subtitle> </trans-title-group>