Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style
Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style
- Caitlin Gebhard (Unlicensed)
- Sylvia Hunter (Unlicensed)
Owned by Caitlin Gebhard (Unlicensed)
Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style has three functions:
- It automates the conversion of numbered (Vancouver) style citations between different standard styles. Standard styles include brackets (e.g., “[2]”), parentheses [e.g., “(3)”], or superscript numbers (e.g., “experiment.4”), or some combination thereof.
- It cleans up formatting of spacing and punctuation in numbered (Vancouver) style citations for all citation styles.
- It cleans up the punctuation surrounding the citation (e.g., converts “citation1.” to “citation.1” or vice versa) depending on your journal requirements. Punctuation is cleaned up for periods, commas, colons, and semicolons. Other punctuation, including surrounding quotes, require manual cleanup because the correct order may be context-dependent.
Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style should be run even if the author used the correct citation style for the journal so that it can clean up formatting of the numbers in citations (e.g., changing “[1, 3-5]” with a hyphen to “[1,3–5]” with an en dash).
On this page
How to use
To use Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style:
- Run eXtyles up through the Bibliographic Reference Processing function. Pay special attention when styling paragraphs to make sure that there are no extra returns in the middle of references, as extra returns in references will cause problems for both bibliographic reference processing and citation processing.
- Visually check the document to note the citation style the author used (e.g., numbers in square brackets, numbers in parentheses, etc.).
- Select eXtyles > Advanced Processing > Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style. You will see a dialog asking you to select the bibliographic citation style used by the author.
- Select the appropriate style and click OK.
eXtyles has been set up with the correct citation style of your publication, so there is no need to enter this information.
Convert/Clean Numbered Citation Style should not be used in documents with Name/Date (Harvard) style citations until after Harvard-to-Vancouver Citation Conversion has been run on the document.