Glossary Styles

Glossary Styles

This page describes how to set up a glossary using the styles Glossary Head (Back), Glossary Section (Back) and Glossary Entry (Back). This content is exported to the back-matter section of the XML by default.

Glossary Head (Back), Glossary Section (Back), Glossary Entry (Back)

For the purposes of eXtyles, a "Glossary" is a multi-paragraph list with one term–definition pair per paragraph. This definition allows rather more flexibility in style. As with abbreviations, consistent use of a strong separator character is crucial to obtaining accurate XML. Suitable formats for setting up the glossary entries are:

Term separated from the definition by a tab
SSTI[tab]Skin and soft-tissue infection ()

Term separated from the definition by a colon, an equal sign or a "strong" separator
SSTI: Skin and soft-tissue infection ()

The Glossary Head (Back) style is used for the overall glossary title, whereas the Glossary Section (Back) style is used for subheadings within the glossary (a single layer of headings is available by default in eXtyles NLM). Each entry in the glossary is then styled as Glossary Entry (Back).


The following example demonstrates the use of the Glossary Head (Back), Glossary Section (Back), and Glossary Entry (Back) paragraph styles. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 2_Book Review.docx

JATS XML Example
		<title>1. Tab separating term and definition</title>
				<def><p>Extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli</p></def>
				<def><p>Skin and soft-tissue infection</p></def>
				<def><p>Urinary tract infection</p></def>
		<title>2. Colon, equal sign, or other &quot;strong&quot; separator separating term and definition</title>
				<def><p>Extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli</p></def>
				<def><p>Skin and soft-tissue infection</p></def>
				<def><p>Urinary tract infection</p></def>

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