Notes Added in Proof

Notes Added in Proof

Notes added in proof generally refer to late-breaking material that is added after the article has been typeset and proofread by the author(s) and/or a proofreader. This page describes how this material should be handled in Word using the Note in Proof style in order to generate correct XML.

Note in Proof

The Note in Proof style should be used to indicate material that is added at a late stage of production, after the article has first been typeset and proofread by the author(s) and/or a proofreader. Note that there is no heading style for this content by default. In the example below, the heading is presented as run-in bold text. In the XML, it is mapped to regular bold text, not to a separate <label> or <title> element.

According to the documentation for the JATS DTD, "A Note in Proof contains late-breaking news items or other material produced while the document was being typeset or was otherwise in production, that therefore happened too late to be included in the text of the work. This is typically NOT peer-reviewed content, and citations to other material within such content are usually integrated into the text or put inside the last paragraph, not listed separately in a bibliographic reference list."


The following example demonstrates the use of the Note in Proof paragraph style. This illustration is an excerpt from the sample document: Sample 1_Math-in-Word.docx

JATS XML Example
		<p content-type="note added in proof"><bold>Note Added in Proof:</bold> Do am he horrible distance marriage so although. Afraid assure square so happen mr an before.</p>

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